Welcome to the Bird Study Group
The Bird Study Group is a northwestern Louisiana organization of birders based in Shreveport. The Bird Study Group offers field trips, bird discussions, a bird sighting database, and other programs for people with an interest in birds. Regular meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month except July and August.
The next meeting of the Shreveport Bird Study Group is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14, 2025 in the LSUS Museum of Life Sciences, at 6:30 p.m., located next to the old KDAQ Tower. Signs will be out to direct you. Come at 6 p.m. to chat with other birders before the meeting.
The December meeting was canceled in favor of concentrating on the December Bird Count.
"See you in January and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."
The program is free and open to the public.
For additional information, contact:
Larry R. Raymond
BSG programs are free and open to the public. For more information or directions to the Museum Annex, you can call 318-347-3134 or email: lrraymond@aol.com. Click here for a map to the Museum Annex at LSU Shreveport.
Reminder: 2024 Membership Dues can be paid at the meeting.
The Bird Study Group is a non-profit membership-based organization devoted to the observation, study, and enjoyment of birds. The BSG is open to anyone with an interest in any aspect of birdwatching, study, or conservation.
"Lunch Time" Great Egret, C. Bickham Dickson Park, Shreveport, LA. Photo by Cran Lucas.
"Let no one tell you again that science is only for specialists; it is not. It is no different from history or good talk or reading a novel; some people do it better and some worse; some make a life's work of it; but it is within the reach of everybody."
Jacob Bronowski in "A Sense of the Future" (1977, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, p. 4)